Monday, March 23, 2009


Milo, in all his 3 year old wisdom, has come up with some pretty funny stuff recently. Here are a few of my favorites:

- Mama! You have toes. You have a big toe, a little toe, a little toe, a little toe, and a little, teeny, tiny toe.

- (at bedtime): Can you sing me a song? What song, Milo? Twinkle Star? No. Bon Jovi. "Bad Medicine".

- (overheard from another room): Hank, why are you crying? It's OK. Come on, Baby Hank. You don't need to cry. I'm right here.

- (from church yesterday -- when asked what he was thankful for): Mine guitar.

- (also from church yesterday -- they were learning about the Last Supper and asking each preschooler what Jesus and his desciples ate): Jesus ate ketchup.


Katie said...

so THAT'S what happened in church...i asked Zach what they did in Sunday school, and he said they had wine. and that was all the info I got!!! :)

Erin said...

Hilarious. I love them all. Especially the 'you have a big toe, little toe, etc.' He is definitely a thinker!